Art Well
Frances Mezzetti is a Visual Artist and director of Art Well. Art Well provides a link between creative expression, and optimum health, with individual and collaborative body based art expression. We believe in the innate creativity in each human being. We believe that by encouragement, support and dedication to self-care and reflection each person can reach their full potential.
Art Well, offers tools and techniques for self-healing through creativity. The process involves relaxation and meditation with focusing on the breath. Our aim is to generate an atmosphere where self-compassion and gentle steps encourage dreams to manifest. The dreamer within finds an outlet to create with awareness in movement, free style painting, drawing, writing in a combination that is suited to individual and group needs. No art experience is required. Art Well, and with it’s team of associates opens up possibilities for a fulfilling life experience.
- Provides a safe place for body-mind harmony
- Opens the flow of creative possibilities
- Offers different perspectives
- Incorporates ease and playfulness
- Facilitates energy healing
Continuous study and practice in live art, video-making, sound art, installation and site-specific art in art designated and non-art designated spaces. (Links to Youtube videos)
MSc. Art psychotherapy qualification 2011 QMU, Edinburgh
BA Hons.,1:1 Fine Art 1998 The National College of Art and Design (NCAD) C.E.E.R NCAD 1990 -1994 Painting, Life Drawing, Ceramic, Graphic Design.
Nurse (RGN) (SCM) qualified 1971.
Meitheal Facilitation Certificate 1999
Stress Management I.T.E.C Diploma with Mary Scarff, 2003
Crawford College of Art. Foundation certificate in art therapy 1999.
Move into Life training with Dr. Sandra Reeve
Reviews :
- Phillips, Aine, ed. 2015, Performance Art in Ireland: a history. LADA, Intellect publisher London.UK
- PANI Performance Art Northern Ireland i am/jestem Edition, published by Bbeyond Belfast, 2009
- Sara Baume The Big Jam, VAN Spring 2009, Visual Artist Ireland.
- O’Brien, Paul ed 2000, Re-Memmoration, Thoughtlines 3.
- Slavka Sverakova, The Performance Collective, Circa 128, 2009
- Kate Antosik Parsons 2020 h
Our Aim
Art Well a company that provides a link between creative expression and optimum health, with individual and collaborative body based art expression. We believe in the innate creativity in each human being. We believe that by encouragement, support and dedication to self care and reflection each person can reach their full potential.