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We believe we are all healers, creatives and have access to inner depths when we allow the time and space to bring our lives into balance.  Guest Facilitators with particular skills join Art Well to offer support and variety to our courses either online or in live workshops.  These include stress management practitioners, dance tutors, visual artists, gestalt therapist working with Bert Hellinger Family Constellations, Movement practitioners, and Creation Template Healing practitioners.

Art Well provides a platform for showing art expression through visual art practices like Performance art, video and audio installations in recognised art institutions and in site specific locations. These iterations address contemporary social issues, reflecting on perceived cultural norms. The performances have focused attention and bring an energetic through that, to the location and to the audiences who experience the work live and to those who, later, engage with the images and writings after the ephemeral action has been completed.

Art well’s focus is to bring a healing energy in the process of creating art. Our desire is to open up possibilities for others who dream to create in whatever form they believe is their true path. We do this with individuals and groups in real time and also online through facilitating creative workshops: providing a series of exercises and practices that can be accessed online at one’s own time and place: offering stress relieving and self help techniques for daily life: and tools to self care the artist within.

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Movement as a way to awareness
9th, 16th to 23th Oct
Stress Management
Appointment From Sept
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